According to the Domain Registration
Agreement, a domain holder is
not allowed to register a domain name that is used for illegal purposes,
for malicious activities on the Internet, or infringes any third
party’s rights.
If anyone finds that there is such a case
with domain names
registered through Galcomm, please make an official complaint by filling
a form at or
, or simply send an email to
Suspension or Cancellation of a domain:
Although, a registration a domain that either infringes other party’s
rights, or use for unlawful acts, is in violation of the Registration
Agreement, Galcomm as a domain registrar, has no way to judge or
determine whether the domain is indeed being abused in any way.
In order for Galcomm to suspend or cancel a domain, there
should be a very solid proof of malicious activity such as phishing action.
Galcomm checks and investigates any complaint received, however to take an
action such as cancellation an evidence must be provided. E,g email
of the phishing attempt, along with a screenshot of the target webpage of the
phishing activity.
Galcomm has no authority and ability to determine whether
a domain infringes any 3rd party’s rights. In cases like that,
Galcomm investigates the case and alerts the registrant or forwards a direct
message from the complainant to the registrant. The UDRP procedure is the
preferred way to resolve such cases.
When a complaint arrives at Galcomm, by any mean of communication:
Abuse form, Contact us form, email to Galcomm customer service or the
Abuse email address, Galcomm opens an investigation case, where the
domain is being checked, the domain holder is contacted with a request
to address the case.
If the domain is registered and managed through any Galcomm reseller,
then Galcomm usually contacts the reseller too, in order to better
investigate the case.
Should a domain holder decide to cancel the domain, Galcomm will
delete the domain (usually to be suspended for the regular RGP period).
Where the domain holder does not answer communication being made by
Galcomm, Galcomm may, at its sole discretion, and although not
obligated, decide to suspend the domain, in particular with cases
related to information security.