Do you want to be a web hosting provider for your customers? No technical expertise or any prior technical knowledge required! You must choose the amount of sites you will need depending on the number of your customers and the requirements of their sites that are to be hosted, and you will receive full support from us along with any technical service that may be required. The program is based on managing multiple sites in a single webmaster management for all of its customers, and significantly reduces the cost of hosting services compared to purchasing a single hosting package for each customer individually.
Advantages of reseller packages
- NS branding
- Convenient and easy-to-operate management panel
- Regular and automatic backup
- Server availability from anywhere in the world
- Personal and professional service
- Experience
- Reducing costs on domains in the various extensions
- Interface to WHMCS
- And more ...
$24.5 per month
5GB Disk space
30GB Bandwidth
Unlimited Email Accounts
10GB Disk space
50GB Bandwidth
Unlimited Email Accounts
25 sites
10GB Disk space
50GB Bandwidth
Unlimited Email Accounts
Unlimited Site
20GB Disk space
70GB Bandwidth
Unlimited Email Accounts
Unlimited Site